Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Ursa class.


I am writing to let you know what we have planned for your children this half term and also to run through a few miscellaneous routines and systems to help keep things running smoothly.  It has been a pleasure to see how well the children have interacted with each other, their new teaching staff and new classroom environment.  Next week, the children will become engaged in a structured curriculum timetable.  Please see Ursa class timetable next week.


Our topic this term is HOMES.  The topic will be linked to the History and Art curriculums. Topic work will also incorporate ICT sessions, which children will access by using laptops in our classroom.  In order to support our topic work, we have booked a trip to the Geffrye Museum of the Home, Kingsland Road on Wednesday 16th October.  A trip letter will be sent home with the children in due course.  Should you like to find out more information about the Geffrye Museum, please visit the following website:


Our Maths focus will be related to calculating and numeric problem solving.  Learning will involve counting reliably to at least 100 objects and beyond; comparing and ordering numbers; place value and using mathematical symbols and vocabulary.  Regularly, we shall practice the days of the week, months of year, counting in 10’s, 5’s and 2’s.  We find opportunities to count estimate and calculate in a range of classroom contexts, as well as reading the clock throughout our learning day.  Please utilise every opportunity to count and calculate with your child in everyday situations; e.g. ‘How many plates will we need for dinner if we have two more guests join us?’


In literacy lessons, children will be encouraged to write independently using their knowledge of phonics and high frequency words.  We will expect children to ‘have a go’ at writing a sentence and sounding out unknown words.  Many children find writing challenging and we will try and make it as fun, relevant and stress free as possible.  We will practice handwriting and spelling key words.  Spelling sheets are sent home once a week and we ask children to return their completed spelling sheet back to class.


We encourage children to bring their PACT folder to school each day.  Children will choose a new book freely to share with an adult at home.  We encourage you to read with your child each night.  Sometimes a comment in their yellow Reading Record would be helpful.  You are more than welcome to change their home reading book. I will change their reading books on Tuesdays and write a comment.


We would welcome parents to come into class to listen to children read, which would be hugely beneficial for the children in our class.  As part of our timetable, children will be engaged in teacher led, guided reading sessions.  This will involve children reading within a group and focusing on different reading skills, to include comprehension.  Similarly, guided writing sessions will focus on different aspects of writing, such as story openings or punctuation.


Homework will be sent home every Friday and should be returned to class on the following Tuesday.  This is usually a short activity for your child to do with your support.  Please give them as much help as they need and try to keep it fun.  It is not meant to be stressful in any way.  If your child finds it too much, please speak to one of us.


We shall visit the library alternate Tuesdays.  Our library slot is between 2.00 and 2.30 pm. The children will take their books home to share with you. You could record this in your child’s PACT Book.


We have timetabled two PE (Physical Education) per week.  Please ensure your child has a PE kit (shorts and T-shirt) in a bag.  This should remain on your child’s peg (in the hallway, outside our classroom) and be taken home for washing occasionally.  This is entirely your choice and is not compulsory.  Please note, children are barefoot during PE sessions and it is your choice, if you would like to provide plimsolls.


Please ensure that your children’s clothes are labelled clearly.  The children often get hot in class and take off fleeces, sweatshirts etc. which, despite our best efforts, sometimes get mislaid.  It would be really helpful and save time if we could identify the garments quickly.  We do remind children to put their clothing on their pegs.  It would be great if you could reinforce this message.  If your child wears shoes with laces, please teach them how to lace up their shoe ware in order to support safety when your child travels around the school and playground. 


Children often accumulate a large quantity of paper, which may be drawings, cards and newsletters, which they transfer to their PACT bags.  Please ensure you regularly empty out PACT bags in order to prevent an accumulation of paperwork in their bags.  This will help your child to stay organised and gain easy access to their home reading book and yellow record book, spellings and homework.



Encouraging children to be an independent person in their school environment is vitally important and strengthens the overall confidence of the child.  In order to support your child, we ask that you say goodbye to your child at the classroom door (playground door) in the mornings and leave your child to put away their personal items in boxes, trays or pegs.  Please do come into the classroom if you need to speak to staff or to change reading books.


The classroom staff working with your child in Ursa are:


Beverley Singleton          Class Teacher

Ina Hoxa                         Teaching Assistant

Megan Mee                    Teaching Assistant

Jane Lucas                     Teaching Assistant


We look forward to getting to know your child and working with you in order to support your child’s learning, development and school experience.  Please do feel free to come and talk to us at any time, should you have any queries.


Yours truly,






Beverley Singleton

Ursa Class