Pancake Day
" Hooray" I screamed as a I jumped out of bed, "Its PANCAKE DAY" I put my cloths on, ran down stairs and went to the toilet.As I went to the mirror, I took the hair brush and started to brush my hair, but at the same time I sang " Its pancake day, Its pancake day"
I did not know what the matter with me was on pancake day. I ran back up stairs and went my parents room and shouted " wake up ,mummy NOW, I WANT PANCAKES!!! "What, Its 7 o' clock in the morning" my mum muttered [Naomi] "But today is pancake day is pancake day" I replied. " All right" moaned Naomi. As soon as I went back down, the pancakes were ready. I snatched one from my plate and when I was about to eat it It said" Please don't eat me" I cannot believe it it spoke.," Ahhhhhhhhhh"I screamed.