
Dear Diary,

Today I am very depressed, I am depressed because I got fired! My boss had fired me because I had accidently dropped coffee on him I tried to apologise, but all he did was give me the dirty looks. I wish I was a normal person like everyone else, but its the gravity it pulling me up, it feels that god wants me!!!Then usually I will go home and help my father but today I didn't because I was too upset to!!Later my dad took me to the park to say "sorry that you got fired"! After I was just hanging on the tree and licking my mouth-watering ice-cream slowly, then a little chubby boy came up to me with his bright balloon and then a green bogey came out of his nose and I knew why because I was hanging on the tree!!!suddenly I just go of the tree and then I just flew up in the air slowly like a turtle, then I just went down again but it was different I had a normal life. Eventually I saw my mom she hugged me I was very happy!!
