The meeting!!!
As I staggered thought the huge door way leading to a long corridor, trying to find my way to the meeting, there was hundreds of doors leading to more meeting but I just didn't know which way to go. I searched around for ages looking for the right meeting to go into, when I finally got to it I was five minuets late, but at least I made it. It felt strange when I walked in because everybody was looking me, then Somebody pulled out my chair I felt more happier so I sat down on the soft, fabric chair. Suddenly the tragic new spread out of my manager mouth "more children are disappearing by every day"just them word made my eyes swell up as the manager talked softly I pulled back my tears as soon as he spotted my he started to shout. Then he disguised with me that there was no need to cry. I tried to pretend that there was something in my eye but there was no point, I even knew I couldn't fool him. But then the manager announced some news that made me feel much much more better the news was they didn't go missing they just went to go to a sleep over and never told their parents.