The Magical Key
As I walked through my garden, walking towards my garden shed to get my dogs bone so I can play with him because I was bored when I got closer to my shed I got the key out my pocket to unlock the shed but I could not find it so looked around and there was still no no sign of the key I looked every were and I looked in my back pocket and it was not there and I looked again and it was there it was very strange. When I reached the shed I unlocked it but I found the handle very very hand to open i was there trying to open it for 10 minutes finally I opened it. When I got in the shed I looked around the old damp shed, the door was open but suddenly it closed I went to open it but it was not opening I tried again but it still was not opening then I looked to see if the door was broke then I saw that the key whole had disappeared. I looked for my dogs bone I found it but then I came across a very weird shaped key I looked to see if I could see any more weird stuff around and I did find even more stranger stuff I found a skeleton and next to the skeleton I found a key whole it looked like the key I fount early I tried to put in the whole and it worked, I pulled the door open and walked in and I found a sign saying beware of... I thought what does that mean in my head suddenly I saw a trail of blood leading to a door and I followed the trail of blood.