The trip to the Buddhist centre

Today we were going to the Buddhist centre!! The first thing is I came late to school, so the teacher had done the register. After, we went to assembly. After our head teacher said our class name , we went straight to our class and put on our coats. Then we had to find partners. My partner was Hazel. Then after we went outside, it was raining! Ahh!! We had to hide our art books under our coats because they got wet. We had to walk all the way there, it was really, it was really long. When we got there, a lady who took us to the shrine room. There was a big statue of the Buddah. We sat down on cushions, and then the lady started to talk about this religion. Then we drew the statue, and tried out some bells. Then we went back to school, and had lunch.
I enjoyed this day!!!!