Dear Diary,

Today I have had a very miserable day. I wish gravity had listened to me and pulled me to the ground. When I was peacefully drinking my coffee, I noticed a new person. I wrote on a post it note look up :-). It fell down to him but, being a really mean person, he threw it in the bin.

He was so mean that he got me fired. As sad as a person who had to give his money away. Miserably, I got into my car hanging upside down. I will never go to Megacorp again. Dad was watering his plants when I came home. I felt really bad.

Hours had passed, and I was watching TV When I suddenly needed to get something...I forgot what it was. I was really missing mum that moment. I wish mum never passed away. Lots of things would be better if mum was here. Firstly, I wouldn't be all miserable and melancholy, and I would have someone who talks to me and cares about me. I feel like everyone would want to get rid of me, so everyone could get some peace, because I am literally upside down. for some reason no one cares about me ( except my parents, of course).

I hate that silly colleague. I wish I could lodge a complaint against him. At least I could get my job back.
