Mila Roamnini 

Tufnell Park Primary School

Carleton Road


N7 0HJ


Tuesday 17th November 2020

Dear Ahmed

Greeting ‘s from London Ahmed 

I have been living in London for a long time and it has been the best life ever .My name is Mila by the way. 

All so i am eight  years old but i am nearly nine .I am super lucky to  go to school at a young age .I was three.

When i am at home i sew with my mum  and i cook my koun breakfast sometimes when i am not at home i would go eneny were but i love to the  funfair like DREAMlAND or go to my family house’s my favourite food is mcdonalds happy meal also i have a little sister , my dad and my mum. 

I like going to school because I meet my friends and learn lots of new things each day and for lunch we have  amazing food. After  lunch we all go and play for about one hour after play, go back to class  and are ready to learn on our decks . What is school like in Egypt? It must be really good. I do hope you like your school .What do you do at playtime do you have any friends i do .

In London we have lots of shops just for toys and books we have books for learning or just to enjoy , toys to play, enjoy and to have fun.Do you have any toys or books . 

The really cool thing is that we have a Queen ,princes and princesses and it is amazing. It is like a fairytale. Lots of tourists come to see the  royal  family and one million tourists come to London. It is amazing how many people come even though I am amazed you know . The Queen has been ruling for about 65 years; it has been a long time .The Queen is about 94 years old .Did you know that we do jubilee? We do this because we celebrate how long the Queen has been Queen. The Queen loves dogs so she has lots of them imagine how much work  to do with all those dogs.Wow.