We went to my Dads for Easter

day one.

When Dad arrived we got in the car to drive to Lyneham.

After 2 hours and a half we arrived at Dads.

wen we got there we had a little more time left so dad said"you can open your presents now"


One day we went for a massive walk to a farm with the dog, we looked at the lambs and their mothers.

One mother stamped there hooves so Dad said" lets do a big circle around".

Then we continued back onto the side of the wheat patch down to a gate at the end of the farm and we opened it. We took a break with a drink and then we carried on. Dad said" i hear a water stream". so we carried on and Dad said again"we cant go that way its too muddy"

So he found another way for us but it was to steep though so dad carried on taking us down.

When we got to the bottom the stream was there so we all jumped over with Maddie in Dads hands. Then we found a swing I said " why would there be a swing in the middle

of the forest". I was the first one on the swing. While I was on the swing Freddie found the way out.

So we went out onto the path straight dad thought we were lost so he checked on the map home was north west. We carried on to the village.

Our snail house

One day me and Maddie were in there garden finding snails in a small tree trunk.

There were some non living and 4 living snails because there was a box in the garden

we decided to use it for a snail house. We grabbed some grass for the bed,sticks,wood block for exercise and finally tree bark then we put the snails in the house we made. Sadly next day they were gone.