"Where are you taking me" I asked

"I am taking you somewhere"Jamie replied

"But where"I asked

"It is a surprise"Jamie said

It a scary night where nobody could see anything. Jamie and I was going somewhere "but where" I didn't know. It looked like we was going to go to a forest where no body lived. It was not amazing. I asked Jamie again "Jamie where are we going"

" We are going to a forest"Jamie answered

"Why" I asked

"I am going to show you a statue"Jamie said

"What statue" I said

"Here we came"Jamie shouted excitedly

"AAAAAAAAAA what is this " I screamed of my head

"It is a scary statue"Jamie whispered

" Jamie you know I get scared of scary staff" I said

" I am sorry"Jamie said sadly

"Noooo sorry " I shouted

"But"Jamie screamed

"Bye I am going don't talk to me"

Jamie couldn't say a word, by the time she went Jamie said "sorry"