Titanic 3rd blog

14TH april 1912

I was just woken up by a huge sound off panicking at 11.45 in the night .I wanted to see what was happening,But when i opened my cabin door a whole gush off water came up to my waist !I felt like

i was going to drown!At first i thought that the Titanic was unsinkable. But i did'nt care.With no time to waist i tried to get myself up to the first deck.On the way i saw some passengers with children who were freezing!Ifound a lady with five children with her she was freezing so were her kids i felt sorry for her. i had a warm red velvety blanket around me which i gave to her and her kids .She thanked me ,but i told her theres no time she agreed with me then her and her kids tried to get ourselves up to the first deck,But on the way i got worried about my family but the young lady and her kids tried to comfort me and it really helped.Once to the first deck I saw my two teenage girls and my to little baby boys were already there they had there life jackets on i went into a lifeboat with my baby sons shivering!But my too girls got seperated from me and right in front of my own eyes

i saw the Titanic sink! Then sudenlly a ship called carpathia came to save us and on the boat I saw my two girls.I was so happy to see them. The next day we were at New York we were shivering but we had lots to eat and drink and we still had a fun time.