It lived at Cliffwell House
It lived at Cliffwell House -It Did-,
It lived at Cliffwell House.
And Its garden was one Wildebeast,
Four skinless cats with top less hats.
And in Its window it could see
A beautiful black bumble bee and
A river of bleach with a floating rotten leach.

Its prison school, stood on a stool -It Did-,
Its aspect was grim.
And many millions of little tykes,
Trooped into this school, With their shackles clanging.
Where if of progress they could boast.
It gave them heaps of post it notes.

Whereas It grew Rabid-Wroth -It Did-,
If they neglected books,
It dragged them with a fishing rod
And slowly lowered them down and
Baits Its rotten leach until their gobbled up.

And in the sea they bobbed -They Did-,
All play fully about.
And some eventually became,
Cloths or giant Toads-
But their families bewail
Their fate likewise the garden Wildebeast .

By Finn