Desert Island

I'm on a pirate ship. We've been travelling for a while when suddenly I saw smoke coming out of the captains cabin.

The ship was burning down. We couldn't control it. I jumped of the plank and I was the only one who survived. I passed out and I found myself on an island. It was getting dark and I started to look for wood to make a campfire. During the night I heard a strange noise of wild pigs. I could see them behind palm trees. Soon the sun rose. The waves were rough. As I was exploring the island I saw a flag next to shelter. I went in and found a cooking pot,hammock,one barrel and found tools like spades and swords and more. In the barrel there was water. I was getting hungry and started to look for food. I made a spear and fished. I got enough fish for the day. I heard a loud noise and it was from the volcano, it was erupting

I ran to shore and saw a rowing boat,I went in it and went straight forward looking for land. I'm still wondering who lived there before me.