8, Main Street,


20th March, 2024.

Dear Diana,

How are you? How are your parents and your brother? I hope that you are all doing well. I am fine now although this weekend I was feeling a little bit ill.

Today I am going to tell you about what I like doing in my freetime. My favourite hobbies are playing video games and spending time with my friends.

I have been playing video games since I was seven years old. It has always been one of my hobbies. I play videogames on my PlayStation. My favourite game is Fortnite.

I love playing outside with my friends. Our favourite game to play outside is football. And sometimes we play basketball as well. We spend loads of hours playing outside.

I have to stop writing because my Mum is calling me for dinner. Diana, I'll be waiting for your letter. Give my regards to all your family.

With love,
