Liz's 100 Word Challenge

As I walk down the peaceful street I came along a little kitten, it had black fur with white patches. Its eyes looked as if someone punched the kitten in the eye! I then turned my head into a long pole with a poster saying "LOST KITTEN Black and white fur Reward if found 0780895624" I thought in my head for a moment "Could this ACTUALLY be the kitten?!" My tongue started tingling. I'd quickly yet carefully dial the number which was written on the poster. The cat was pushing its head against my leg and started meowing with its tail moving to and fro. It Picked up, I started describing the cat in any way to make sure I got the right cat. I asked my dad to drive me to the address the lady gave me. I Placed the cat in the back seat on my lap and off we went I was sort of excited as there was going to be a reward.