The lady with no face!
It was a very mild morning in Australia and everyone was inside apart from a little girl named Hattie. She was a very bright, confident and caring little girl, that's why her parents would let her go out into the world on her own.
Although, one day Hattie and her parents made a promise. The promise was that if Hattie went out into the woods with her dog (Trixie) and got some fresh fruit from the great faraway tree, her parents would give her what ever she desired!
So as a result, when she was ready she went out into the woods with Trixie to get some fruit. When she was slowly walking down the narrow path, she saw an old lady walking in front of her, she looked as if she was in pain so Hattie went to see if she as okay. Then suddenly as she put her gentle hand on her crooked shoulder the ferocious wind blew her to the ground! Everything went blurred and all she could see was an old lady without a face. From that day on, Hattie didn't wake up!