"Is it over yet?" Holly looked behind her shoulder. It was her first day in work experience, and it wasn’t going exactly as she had hoped…In the morning she was all in high spirits, and received a note to look after the animals by herself (which wasn’t very clever as it was her first day in her first job) but now the penguins had somehow escaped from their freezing water island and were admiring themselves, in a number of woolly hats and scarves. Furthermore, the monkeys had managed to steal some various teapots, cups, saucers, plates and cutlery, besides, they were enjoying themselves immensely, and they astounded the visitors. Even worse, a panda began doing a high jump over the ZOO sign, and a cheeky monkey started stealing mint-chocolate-chip flavour ices, evidently he liked that flavour! “What am I going to do, O what am I going to do!?” wailed Holly. How was she going to get the animals back in the cages in time before the zookeepers came back? Nearby was a bowl of exotic fruits and Holly had an idea. She took some pineapple onto the palm of her hand and edged closer to the monkey, its name was Miranda. Miranda smelt the pineapple and leapt onto Holly’s palm like an arrow. “Now at least that’s done!” Holly said, watching the little monkey gobble up the pineapple as she wiped her hands of it. The panda had got tired of doing high jumps and had sat down for a rest, Holly grabbed the bamboo stick the panda had used and went off with it. Now there were just the penguins to worry about… Holly found a bundle of coloured scarves and hats, which the penguins collected. She placed them in the water island and they hurried after it angrily. Holly shut the plastic door just in time! The zookeepers arrived pretty dazed and glad after their crazy day. They seemed pretty happy with Holly. “Be blessed Holly!” she thought as she sighed deeply. This day wasn’t so bad after all!