'Ning nang nong' style poem about Tufnell Park primary school
By Samantha inColumba

In Tufnell Park school'
Where the children go duel
And the teachers all say "WOO"

There's a School Tufnell Park
Where the chairs all bark
And the jelly babbies 'squishy squashy swoo'

On the school Park Tufnell
All the lunches go bufnell
And you just cant eat them when they do!

So it's......
Tufnell Park school,
children go duel,
School Tufnell Park,
chairs all bark,
School Park Tufnell,
lunches go bufnell!!!!!!!

It's actully really cool!
Is the Tufnell Park, Tufnell Park school!!!!!!