Doctor Who ?
As I sat calmly in my garden with my fluffy white dog, suddenly I heard a knock on my dim brown door. I slowly walked through my long corridor, the banging just got louder and louder, just then I heard my name "Open the the door Lauren , it me," shrieked the doctor anxiously.
I opened the door quickly, the doctor had changed alot since I had seen him last.
He was wearing a suit, and a yellow and green tie, he looked rather odd.
Strangely instead of asking me if he could come in, he stormed in and pushed me out of the way.
When the doctor came into my house he started to search around my belongings suspiciously, then he sat down he told me nervously, "We have a really bad problem, someone has created a monster."
The doctor took out his sonic screwdriver, he said "Why don't you get out your weapon?" I took it off my foot "What's that?" the doctor replied , "My high heels" I said smiling:).
The doctor showed me a picture of the monster, it had a long scaly body , a white ghostly head , a tigers tail , a bats wings and a monkeys feet.
At that moment the doctor clicked his fingers and the tardis appeared, with a shaking hand the doctor reached into his pocket and got keys for the tardis.
We both stepped into the large blue tardis.
The doctor told me "The only way we can kill the monster is hit it with a bullet on its long scaly body.
We both stepped into the tardis and travelled to where the monster was.
The monster stared down at the doctor, I threw the doctor the shiny gun, he shot it on the monsters scaly body and we never heard of it again.

Lily and Demi