A few centuries ago when magic was used and monsters roamed the planet,there lived a boy called Max who had heard of a legend . He was only 8 so he thought that legends were real. When he was 14 he went in a submarine to learn more about the legend.The 5 hour trip underwater was amazing . He saw giant squids red as blood used as transport for tiny mermaids.The dark emerald green coral was a home for many underwater creatures . He saw sea turtles used as luxury boats, shell houses as swirly as ice-cream.

He got out of his submarine and found himself in a mysterious place. He saw a temple. The sky darkened above him while white flocks of birds swirled around the dark sky. Then he saw a huge cliff which looked dangerous. He turned to look around him and saw a river rushing with an incredibly powerful current. He looked carefully at the temple and he saw the prehistoric walls could hardly hold up the temple. A laser crackled above the old temple. "What is going to happen? I hope it doesn't fall." said Max. Suddenly he felt a little bit petrified but didn't show it. He felt he should have never come. As he took a step forward he felt something hissing above him.

BOOM! A meteor dropped right in front of him. It looked like it was going to explode, but it just got redder and redder like a dying star. He then observed it carefully. After a few minutes he heard hissing, but this time he could recognise it. "Wow" shouted Max. Then he saw a viper snakes shadow, then another and another, until there was a whole army of snakes. Seeing a boulder he pushed it and killed half of the army, a few snakes had escaped. He found a gem in one of the snakes which he had killed, and heard a huge hiss. It was a huge snake, but somehow it didn't attack him. He thought he had it under control so he jumped onto it and killed all the snakes he could see, but he still heard hissing.

Although Max had killed a lot of the army of snakes he realised that the leader of the army was still alive and close. "I have to lean on a wall, it's the only way to prevent the leader from attacking my back" whispered Max. The hiss was getting louder, but Max was ready for the attack. He slapped his pocket and remembered the gem. Then he realised that it wasn't the venom that killed the army of snakes, it was the light from above that reflected on the venom. "Maybe if i use the light of the gem, i can kill the leader" Max said. "HISS" The hiss was really loud as if it was inside him. The leader pounced on Max just as fast as a blink. Trying to stab him in the back, Max got out his gem and said "Light" and the light of the gem had killed the leader.

Max got out his gem and sliced open the leader and found the lost key of the temple which gave him a power to take him back to the sea. On the way home, as he sat down in his submarine, he remembered all the snakes he had killed, then he remembered why he had come there. "It was all about the legend" he said to himself. "Maybe i shouldn't have come here." He didn't want to kill anything. When he got back home he felt sad. What made him sad was no more adventures. Maybe he was thinking of another adventure, you never know.