MY best friend Chloe Saffron jessica
Chloe is a nice girl she likes to play champ at play-time she is always lovely and friendly she is fabulas and she has nice long hair she has a nice baby sister she likes to go around with saffron. she loves to draw and play games she likes to mess around with her hair and she likes to sing.
Saffron is nice and friendly she likes to play with me,Chloe and Jessica we all play togerther she has a sister. Saffron is 10 about to be 11 soon and saffron loves to draw all the time just like chloe she likes to mess around with her hair she likes to hage about with me,Chloe,Tilly and jessica she is so funny.
Jessica is nice and friendly she loves to draw like Saffron and Chloe she likes to play champ she always mess around with her hair she is 9 she will be 10 she likes to sing like Chloe .
Greta is nice friendly she is 10 she likes to play champ with Chloe she hangs about with Helin , Chloe, jessica mc she has nice hair she is smart and funny she likes to draw.