My story.

My name brings me back to reality. I open my eye, getting blinded by the light. “Let’s go.” Mum says hurrying me to get up. I sit there for a second or two wondering what is going on, then it hits me. Evacuation day. I force myself to stand. I rub my eyes, scratch my head and try to stand. But I’m paralyzed by fear. Don’t fail me now, I think. We get hurried down to the station. Me, my brother and baby sister. How will I survive the hours to come?

The train eventually arrives and I then realize how tight I’ve been holding my mums hand. “It’s alright,” Mum begins, “Don’t let go just yet.” “I wasn’t planning to.” I whisper. We stand there for a while. The train horn breaks the peaceful silence between us. I let go. I take a deep breath and look away. “Audrey!” Lewis beckons. My palms are already sweaty and I wipe the sweat of my clothes. Lewis pulls me into the train, that’s when the fear strikes. My mouth becomes as dry as sawdust, my fingers begin to fiddle with each-other. I’m currently being drowned in fear. There is no escapeā€¦