Langur Monkey

These extraordinary monkeys lives in the city of Mumbai,which is in India. The Langur Monkeys have groups,which contain one alpha male, loads of females and many young babies. The alpha male protects the group because if another alpha male took over, the young babies would be killed. However,they don't kill the females. These monkeys can leap incredibly far distances and incredibly dangerous ones as well. The female have pockets near their chests, which enables them to carry their young. They have white fur on their body and black skin of their face. They have very sharp teeth. One bite on humans can take an enormous chunk of your flesh. The monkeys adapted to the city and sometimes act like humans.

Some of the inhabitants of India feed them flowers and other food as well. They do this because the monkeys remind them of the god "Hanuman" who is the monkey god. There are fifteen different sub-species of the Langur monkeys. Some sub-species of Langur monkeys are endangered due to habitat loss,chemical pollution and hunting. Langur monkeys live up to twenty years in the wild.

They have adapted to their environment by getting an immensely efficient eyesight and sharp hearing in order to avoid predators.

before they were loved, they were shot at and killed. people thought of them as nuisances. they do however leap upon people's houses and walls.