The Visitor

It was nearing midnight one cold winter's eve when my husband returned from his walk by the sea. He handed me the loveliest ring in the world. It was a beautiful shade of red that glowed on my finger. Confused, I asked him how he got it but his face turned cold and he didn't reply. We then slipped off to bed the ring making me feel wealthy at last. Around about midnight my dreams were disturbed by a voice from hell itself. "GIVE ME MY RING!" the voice said. My blood ran cold at the very sound of it. I asked my husband what the voice meant. He didn't reply. I could here his heart beating like a continuous drum. "Give me my ring or I will come for you." The voice said again. I pulled the sheets over my head as the door creaked open. I heard footsteps walk across the floor. I muffled a scream, it was climbing the bed!