Our trip to the British museum
On Thursday 8th of May our class (Perseus class) went on a trip to the British museum and we had loads of fun. We went to the Tufnell park train station and caught the train.When we got there we went into the Aztec room and was looking at different gods. We had a work sheet to do and we had to find the gods witch were on our sheet.On our sheet we also had to find all of the materials of the object.Also we had to find out about Aztec life by having on the side of the sheet words like daily life trade and war. For daily life me and my partner wrote about what the use to cook with and eat with.Next we were all finished our worksheet and we had a little look around the museum.Then it was finally lunch time we had our own lunch table booked.When we finished our lunch we had to have a little sit down because our feet was killing us then we had another look around the museum. Then when we done that we went to the cloak room to get our jackets and bags Then we came back to school. It was a tiring trip.
The Aztec gods we saw: