The bee hive
One day I was walking in the park and just there was somethink hanging of the tree there was a bee hive and someone just got a stick and then just through the stick and all the bees came all out and everyone started to run away from all of the bee but one person was standing there and never saw the bee's so he just sat down everyone was shouting at him but he did not even here any think they said so he was just looking at them and said come and sit over here everyone why are you not coming over here for?.
The boy looked up and saw all the bee's and started to shout he was crying
and he tryed to go round the back of the tree and but there were more bee's
there so he just stayed still and all of the bee's went back in the hive so the
little boy could ran away and he felt much better and they never went back
to that bit of the park again.