She lived in a cave!
She lived in a cave -She did;-
She lived in a cave;
And in her cave was one wilderbest,
Four earles bats and the river Dee.

Her cave stood on a watch -it did,
Its aspic it was humid;
And a million of little brats,
Resorted to her school ,
Where if of progress they could boast,
She gave them heaps of lolly pops!

Though she grew rabid- wroth- she did,
If they neglected books,
draged them to the cliff,
With beastly rotten hooks.

And there with glee she threw,
Them down into the river Dee,
And in the river they squirmed-they did,

All dieing about ,
And eventually became,
leaches or text books
But children doth bewail.
Their Fate ; like wise her wilderbest.

By Tacy