Facts about helicopters What

is a helicopter A helicopter is a mode of air transport which is a mode of transport. Helicopters can save people and bring people around. Helicopters can do things that airplanes can’t do


Leoado da vinci created the first helicopters he is called the father of helicopters. Also in 1843 sir George Clayley built the first steam driven helicopter. It took almost 450 years to build the first helicopters

Parts of a helicopters

The cock pit is where the driver sits and the blades are very sharp there are passenger seats and landing skids. The engine and the main rotor power the helicopter the tail rotor makes the helicopter turn.

Interesting facts

A helicopter is a type of air craft that can fly. Helicopters
are sometimes known as choppers. Some people call Leonado da vinci the father of helicopters because he made the first ever helicopter. The first helicopter was made in 1907 and designed in 1942.