200-word challenge

One misty night there were two children passing through the forest then suddenly they heard a branch snap in the distance they panicked while they heard footsteps approaching them. in a flash all they could see is black cotton suffocating them. they were struggling to get out wondering what was happening. Then they felt dizzy and blacked out. they woke up scared,confused and found themselves at the bottom of a boat whilst their hands and their legs were tied to a chair. an engine started and felt the boat shaking while gliding through the water. three men came down a pair of crooked stairs. The girls quickly snatched their phones out of their pockets and took photos of the men and sent it to the police some time later we heard sirens coming towards us we heard a bang like some one has just jumped onto a boat we hear a man say “put your hands up your under arrest” two police men come down stairs and untie us from the chairs they helped us get onto their boat and took us back home. The next day we took the newspaper in and saw our faces on the cover…