The End part of the story!!

"down here said "the dark, Lazlo followed him down the stairs he shivered with regret. On the last dusty step of the stairs the door shut right on Lazlo's face he was terrified. All he could see was darkness surrounding him .it was only then tat he found out he was right next to the secret box ...

The dark said to Laszlo open the box , I obey you to open the box but Lazlo said no he remembered his grandfather said to him he should never open it . he was in two minds he did not know what to do.

The dark said to Lazlo open the door or ill sleep in your room and ill stay in your room all day i am not afraid to do that ,no one will ever believe you will they "no" said Lazlo. Lazlo open-ended the box what have I done said Lazlo?........