The leopard lives in lives in Mumbai (India) in the city. Even though the leopard goes 36 mph, he killed 200 people in 25 years. The leopard eats wild pig. Even though the leopard eats wild pigs, the leopard takes baby pigs to lure the mother pigs out to eat the baby pig. To be able to access seeing the leopard you will need night vision cameras and goggles. The predators of the leopard are lions, hyenas and crocodiles. These amazing creatures eat gazelles, sheep and goats. They also prey on rodents and smaller animals, such as monkeys and some times humans.

Leopards jump up to 6 meter. They sometimes bring their own prey up into the branches of a tree to eat it and protect it from predators and scavengers. They grow to only 3 to 6.2 feet (91 92cm to 1 C0cm). Their tail grows to 25 to 39 inches.Leopards can live up to an amount of 12 to 17 year.Leopards are skilled climbers, and like to rest in the branches of trees during the day. Leopards communicate with each other through calls.
