The mysterious cact

I was in the car my mum was driving me to school I went into the class there was a mysterious fluffy orange  cat outside on the window.  I went outside of my class  room it was so fluffy when I  went near to it and it  run away  then it went again  the gate was open and it ran out across the under the  car  on the    on my  way back from school and I saw that cat it was walking around my leg I picked it up it was crying I put it in the bath to play with it but it did not like it  so i let it go and then it just run away so I let it go when I went back to school that next morning and the cat was not there but then it comes back in a cat cage with a lady the cat was not very well so the cat had to go to the vet but that cute orange fluffy cat got better and then it never came outside it became a inside cat.
The end.