
What are passwords?

Passwords are types of codes that only you should know. You use them to login to different websites or games. They are also used so no one can hack into your account. You need a password that can be hard to guess but simple passwords like 123 will probably get your account hacked. they also keep our accounts safe from hackers or scammers!

Why do we need passwords?

We need passwords because if we did not your account might get hacked, stolen or even deleted! People could easily steal anything if you did not have a password or if you had a simple one. If you had a simple password ( such as 123) for you bank account you will be poor while the hacker is rich! Hackers will take any thing only if you have a strong password.

How do we stay safe with our passwords?

Never share your passwords with others especially people you don't know. If someone anonymous ( someone you don't know) asks for your passcode or any personal information DO NOT REPLY! Tell a adult and delete the conversation.