Sports at school
Hello I'm Orpa,I'm going to blogging today about sports and my fav
sports like tennis and bench ball (the bench ball my class does in PE).
In outdoor PE last week we did handball wich was really good fun to do.There were 4 teams blue bib team, red bib team,green team
and last but not least non-bib team.I was in the non-bib team. For
the first match I was up aganist red team.We played 10 minutes
and in the whole game I did 2 goals in the whole game. Guess who won it was non bib team my team YES! Then next we did a match
against blue team,the funny thing is that in the blue team is one of my best friends Ella so it was weird but I kept on playing the match. In that match I scored 3 goals but sadly,I didn't win it was blue team.We worked hard and we had really good players but they also
had really good players and good strategy as well.I also want to say
really good work to all teams and good games as well.

Thanks for reading my blog