Different animals who live in the city

There are wild leopards who live in Jaipur India. The leopards do not come out during day light as humans hunt and shoot them. Also Leopards hunt at night to keep safe. The leopards main pray are farm animals such as pigs and sheep.They are easy targets for leopards. farmers are beginning to use electric fences to keep the cattle safe. Leopards see body heat in the dark and they hunt alone to lure all the animals to the other leopards. This species of leopards have adapted to city life very well.

Langur monkeys

Langur monkeys live in India (Mambal). This type of monkeys are very intelegant which is why they are surviving in this world. The alpha (there leader) is alway on the look out for intruders so he could protect his childeren. people worship monkeys becuase one of there gods was a monkey. Monkeys need lots of food so they can give birth to baby monkeys.
