Billionaire Boy By David Walliams

Dear Diary, today I was driving in my personal Formula One racing car round my racetrack in my giant garden and I crashed it, so Dad said he would buy me a new one. You know, it's not that fun driving round and round a track if you haven't got any one to do it with. You see, me and Dad used to be really poor, my Dad's job was making the squares of toilet roll stick together, until he had a brilliant idea that would change his life. He invented...

Toilet roll with one normal dry side and the other side wet! I know, it sounds like we'd still be poor, but he sold loads, and people LOVED it! With all the cash, me and Dad moved out of our tiny council flat and into a MASSIVE MANSION.

I had every thing I wanted, but there was just one thing I really needed, a friend...

By Francesca