My alien
Dropping down out of the sky a big round thing it was white and grey with dots going around it someone started to say some think and then just going up and saying we will be back. When it came back back it came back and it hide in a bush some one found it the person who found it told some one and every one herd they all went to it then secondly the door started to open and some big grey and yellow things just came out we all took a step back away from them big things then one of the alien took a steep and so we took a step so a man went to ask the alien some think but the alien just eat him up and left half for the other alien we took a step back the alien turned around and said some think to the alien and so the alien just open his mouth very slowly and said "why do you keep on moving backwards". We said because we think that you might eat us like you eat that man the alien said don't worry when the taste goes we always spite them out. The alien started to chase us and every one hide but the aliens found some one they took him and they went to a planet [ 2 days later] the man said please let me go back to earth one of the alien said yes but only on one condition you let us come to earth any time we want so the man said ok then and the alien took me back to earth. Will the aliens come back?