
Dear diary,

Something unbelievable happened last night. I caught the Iron Monster (his name was Iron Man but everyone called him the Iron Monster because he was huge). To be honest, I feel guilty. Most people would be happy. Atleast, he won't be eating our machinery anymore.Whos plan was it anyways to catch him? So this is what happened

Happily, I was strolling around the Hunter Green forest. In front of me was a dead hen.I wonder how it died. Anyways, eventually an amazing idea popped into my head. I must catch a fox! And then I must throw that hen into the hole! After a while, a giant red fox turned up, it was walking around the hole but he didn't fall for my plan. Was he too smart? Suddenly, the fox vanished like Harry Potter disappearing, leaving everyone in caution.

It seemed like something was wrong. I looked left, nothing. I looked right , nothing. I looked at the cliff, where I first saw the Iron Man. There stood a giant figure with giant green eyes. He was devouring an iron fence. It was the Iron Monster! He has returned! What should I do? I thought to myself. Couple minutes later,he was still eating the barbed wires.Sweat was running down my eyesbrows thats how hard I was thinking of a plan to capture him. After a while , I had an incredible plan! In my pocket I had a jagged, metal nail and a knife. I thought I could tap them together. It was an amazing opportunity to lure the Iron Man into the trap. I started tap the nail on the knife. Clink! Clank! Clink!

I forced myself not to sprint. His enormous dust bin like head turned my way.His giant,bright green eyes shone at me. I gulped on mid air. It started to work! He was walking my way! Meanwhile, there was a CRASH! BANG! BASH! BOSH! The ground shook like Godzilla falling onto the ground, shaking the Earth from miles around. I had succeeded! Although I caught him, I felt extremely guilty.