My Holiday

What a holiday. All the presents, playing video games, and having fun it was great. I went to this soft play with my family and it had a steep slide when you just drop. Also upstairs there was a ball pit and there were guns shooting balls everywhere it was crazy. After a while it became Christmas eve, I thought to myself the holidays have gone so quickly, however I was so excited about what presents I would see under beneath the Christmas tree. Then it came the day I have been waiting it was Christmas. I raced to tree and I opened up my presents and I got a Ipad, a pair of CR7’s, also a football. A few days later the sales came and I brought all my Christmas/birthday money with me. The stuff I got were a headset, some T- shirts, a baca top, and the champions league ball. On new year’s eve I stayed up for the countdown and watched the fireworks. And then we were all going crazy and was shouting its 2017!