Yo you know that deadpool come down to steal the show you now you!!! yaboy do youn chirse like my singing yo do you now thank man I am walking down to get a person because I am just efeet bored so ya . I see someone caring a gun so go ready cue the music dun dunnn dunnnnnn!!!! pow!!!! boom!!!! slash!!! owchy!!! wait one second yo man do you know why I have a red suit on? why so i can do this BBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!! that why you can never defeet me the best villan aroud deapool!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I tell you a joig ok cool why did adel cross the road?

to say hello to the over side ha ha ha ha so funny do you

know what I mean.I am so good at fighting the spider-man

because spider man is realy anoying because he swings

every were and it just bugs me like a bug (winck winck)

My sword is all bloody . talking about people I see some one being

heroic so I say no to that ready cue the music people and bang

bang bang bang uh man down I am hit wait again do you know

why I were a red suit?

"no why"

"So people do not see me bleed one second now bang bang bang now down you

go bro" ha ha ha that was so fun but that hurt a lot like a lot but

now I am going to the dead mans cave see ya later bye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!