The Amazing Day

"Good morning mum Good morning dad" I said happily

"Good morning darling" said mum and dad happily

It was a very nice day where all the children were playing outside with there friend s and best friends. My mum and my dad was going to take me to the park so I can have fun in the sunny weather. As I was walking to the park with my lovely dad and mum I saw my old best friend running by her self, she was my best friend but she left our school because she was moving houses. I ran to her very happily and excitedly and said "BESSIE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH"

" ME TOO" Bessie said very excitedly

"Should we play in the sand as we did at school"

"Of course I missed playing with you"Bessie said

So for the day I was with my best friend Bessie I love you Bessie. That was my amazing day