Bullying's Bad Because...
Bullying is bad because it hurts peoples feelings and not just that it can permintatly affect people in all different ways. There are many types of bullying, there is cyber bullying were you use mesageing on facebook and tweeter and other things like that.you should treat people how you want to be treated, you might want the other person who is bullying to treat you kindly but if you want them to be kinder its simple just be kind to them if you want them to treat you the right way and if they do not be kinder to you just ignore them if they don't be kind to you. i know how it feels to be bullied i have been bullyed before and it is especially when they gang up on you i hate it when people do that to me, it becomes even worst when they start pushing you and having a go at you for no reason.
i have had it befo