As I turned round, it changed shape…The statue turned into a ghost and started to move. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. I blinked and it turned into a spider then that’s when I started to freak out because I thought it was just an ordinary statue but it was a ghost as well as a SPIDER! Why is this happening? is it some type of possessed statue. What should I do, I blinked again. Then it turned into a snake! Why though, maybe when somebody moves, it turns into a different creature. So I kept on blinking and spinning around, it was the only way I am going to find out. I need to call the police immediately!

*Calls 999*

“Hello 999 what’s your emergency?”

“Hi I’m in the British Museum and I am standing next to this statue and it is moving and turning into a spider could you please help!” I said.

“okay I will be there as soon as possible, but for now, warn as many people as you can about it because it could be deadly.”

“Okay,I will thank you.” I nervously said.



*phone hangs up*