The element
of sea
long ago there was a
paradisiacal island that lay in the
heavens of powerful, muscular, ruthless gods. The wavy warm sea shimmered and sparkled like a thousand chandeliers dancing. the sand was as soft as a babies bottom. This heavenly island was called Paranai this island was made by all the gods because they wanted to replace Olympus because it was destroyed when they were fighting the dragon of death and its army. Demira had called the gods to help her with the fight and they did so but the time the fight was over Olympus was destroyed . In case Demira needed help protecting Paranai. They made a shield and that would incarcerate anybody that dared to destroy or take over the throne to the gods. They would be put on a burning hot island with no food water and no escape forever until they rot away. they'll also be taught a lesson buy being executed by Zues, drowend by Pesidon shot with arrows by Demira and having their throut ripped of by Athena.But these rules were nothing to some people...
By Rehana chenai lunat