The survival of Michael.
The sound of crackle of stone above my head woke me up. I had to go out side for fresh air, I knew I had to go to explore the     island, because I hear creepy noses from the jungle some times silly human noses. I was scared I heard the silly human noses again an again it was a little funny but I was still scared also I couldn't go to the jungle at night because I was really scared.The noses started getting louder and and closer I saw a bush that's where the noses where coming from so I looked through it and I can't believe what I saw my heart was so scared it was cannibals I also saw a man being cooked I knew I had to save him ahhhh I screamed I grabbed the man he was lighter than I thought we were in the middle of the jungle.The cannibals chased me.The man started to wake up shouted RUN! so the man ran.He exclaimed thanks.I tripled a twig but the man helped me up we mange to get out of the jungle and we found a boat and jumped in it and the man started the engine.....