A few centuries ago when magic and monsters still roamed the planet of Galaphray there was a boy who lived in a deserted cave. He lived away from the vile town of Tratunpa where they were cruel and evil to him by locking him up in a cavern with snakes even though he hadn't done anything. Now back in the cave the boy was plucking spider webs off his stuff so he could scare strangers away. His name was Rufas and he was excellent at climbing on rocks. Rufas had brown hair, green eyes and cuts covered his pale skin. He caught the sent of dead flesh ahead so he followed the dark, winding passages deeper under the deserted castle. Soggy earth surrounded the never-ending passages. Humid air filled the underground tunnels and everywhere he trod it was covered with small, decayed ditches.

As he followed the dark cave the smell got stronger. He approached the bizarre smell and aventually found a gigantic viper snake coiled up in the middle of the passage. Venom dribbled from his razor-sharp teeth and his browny-green scales glistened in the darkness. The snake hissed at Rufas and put him to sleep. A few days later Rufas woke up and found himself with a wizard staff and magic powers. Rufas and the snake became friends and accomonied each other on journeys through the jagged mountains with Rufas on the snakes mighty head . Rufas named the snake Tyson . On one of their journeys they found a mysterious temple which they were drawn to by magical orbs.

That stormy April day light loomed up behind the mountains . Crashing sounds could be heard as vast boulders crumbled down . A red lazer crackled above the decayed temple . Streams rushed down the mountain-side some leading down in to historic tunnels. White birds flew through the smoke however they mysteriously never returned.The temples blue walls started to crack as if it was being filled with blood red lava . Lightning shook the deserted area like it was trying to viciously strike the mountains . Ghastly smells of soggy earth wrapped around the ancient temple. Leading to the temple there was a thin winding path with abyss's on each side. It was covered in mud and was very slippery. As Rufus and Tyson were crossing the path, Rufus nearly fell off. He used his staff to catch his balance. They were unaware of the danger ahead. When Rufus opened the temple doors, he backed away with amazement. The temple was full of death bringers. They were black, evil eagles with razor sharp teeth. Rufus was filled with fear because he knew they killed everyone in their sight. They swarmed out of the temple and surrounded Rufus and Tyson. Rufus knew he had to act quickly.

Rufus banged his staff on the path and murmured "Ldero" under his breath. A few seconds later, the ground summoned one thousand grey wolves. Toxic venom acid poison drooled from their blade sharp fangs. Their claws could dig through anything easily. The wolves dug into the skin of any death bringer within reach. Rufus banged his staff and squirted fire at the beastly creatures. Meanwhile, Tyson was digging his fangs into the black eagles. Disturbed by the attitude of the wolves, the black eagles stabbed their beaks into the wolves flesh. Blood of many colours was squirted everywhere and pitiful cries, squwaks and howls of pain filled the air. Rufas and Tyson made sure the eagles were all dead. They were, but unfortunately they had driven all the wolves off the edge of the cliff. Suddenly the temple cracked open and a giant Cyclops appeared. As quick as a flash, Rufas turned his staff into a sword. He flew his staff into the Cyclops's one big eye. He shrieked with pain as the tip pierced his pupil. The green creature shrieked and hopped around. As he couldn't see, he jumped off the cliff and died.

Rufas found the orbs and his staff among the remains of the shattered temple. A storm started and night fell, so Rufas and Tyson slept under the temple ruins. When morning came, Rufas hopped on the snakes mighty head and they climbed up the mountain. As they approached the top, Rufas found a cavern. He preferred it to his old one so he settled there. From that day on he looked out for anymore adventures.

Rufas and the Death-Bringers