my pet
My pet dog is called blue and he is a blue Irish staff. he is naughty
and always getting his self into trouble, but he is cute and friendly. He don't ever bark or growl all he does is cry at my front door because he wants to go out or he will rather go in my mums bedroom,stands on the table and if he sees a dog he will run straight down the stairs and wait at the door. When I sit down on the sofa he would come up to me and stare at me for a few minuets and then he would jump on the sofa and sit on my lap. When I let my blue out he would start going mad and run from side to side sometimes if he would see another dog, a cat, a pigeon or an squirrel and he would push the gate with his nose because we have to gates each side of our garden but one of the latches is broken. Sometimes when people come round my house blue jumps on them and they think he is trying to bite them but he wants to lick them. When my dog sleeps he don't sleep like a normal dog he sleeps on his back, once when blue was sleeping on my lap a was watching tv and suddenly the sofa started to vibrate and I looked at him and while he was sleeping he was waging his tail.