Madame Tussauds

Today i went to Madame Tussauds with my mum, god-father a.k.a uncle,aunty,2 cousin's and myself. Madame Tussauds is a famouse wax museum in central London,i took one over-ground train to seven sisters from white heart lane then 2 under-ground trains to baker street. We had too get into a long huge busy que. It took about 15 minuetes to get in but when we did my aunty already got tickets online so she just gave the tickets nevertheless it still took long, there were lots of famouse people made of wax like Adele,Nelson Mandela,Gandhi,Barack Obama,amy whine-house,david cameron and lots more interesting people. After all of that we came to the dungeon were they killed people in all different way there were two directions the left was to see the making of the wax people and the right was the scariest place the London the man said. My older cousin said he is going right but me and my younger cousin went left so we waited for him and surprizingly he loved it.finally we wen to the last bit sadly wich was the marvel moive in 4D, we had to put on these weird glasses wich made it easier to see the movie. It was crazy but in a good way but things would fall on us or water would spray on us when they splashed however i did not feel wet atool when we left,when spider man would spray his webs anywhere we could feel the wind also when Hulk sneazed on the little dog wich was hillarious. when we left the movie centre we just bought a few things at the gift shop the had a long ourney home that was my saturday.

I recommend you to go if you havn't already.