
Dear diary,

Today its the 5th of November, I am very upset because I am upside down I do not like being upside I never ever get to be seen my family always get to been seen. I don't know why I am upside down its just gravity . one sudden day went to work it was fine but the next day we had a new manger he did not look up so I sent him a posit note and he looked up and did not do anything he looked into his cup and made a face so I said tea ahhhhhhhhh!!!! he screamed the tea fell on the boss . in one hour reverso got fired. I came home all up set my father said what's wrong he reverso and his father went to the park I saw a boy and he let his balloon go and reverso followed it he saw this tree and he said in quiet voice ma its you and it was his mum he was so happy and in a sudden he turned back to normal he was so happy he showed his dad and said look i am not upside down the end.

by madiha .