Gwaith Catref - Homework
Due in on Monday 3rd February
Summary of an article
Who, what, where, why, when, how?
Detailed information:
Be specific.
Only focus on key parts!
Result of the main story:
What are the consequences?
What is going to happen as a result?
Strong final line.
Your task is to select a news article and to summarise it into your own words for your teacher.

This could be a newspaper article, sports report or a news story. There are great websites for you to use such as Newsround, South Wales Evening Post, First News etc...

Remember, the article has to be summarised into your own words. We will not accept copy and paste. To complete the article, think of the skills that you used as part of our ICT lessons where you summarised a Geography article. Use the same skills.
Plan for your summary.